LYFT Medical Aesthetics



What is fat dissolving?

Get rid of stubborn pockets of fat in just a few quick treatments! PCDC consists of phosphatidylcholine and deoxcholate which naturally occurs in the body. When injected it will permanently dissolve and naturally remove the treated fat cells.

how does pcdc work?

The PCDC mixture is injected in a grid like pattern in the area of concern where it disrupts the fat cell membrane. The fat cells absorb the PCDC and become slightly inflamed and burst, releasing their enzymes and fatty content. The inflammatory response begins, allowing the debris to be cleaned up by the macrophages that have migrated to the area.  This inflammation response is responsible for some redness, soreness and hardness. New collagen is then deposited in the area, causing tissue retraction with denser and firmer skin. The fat and and cellular debris that are removed are collected as waste and excreted through the body's normal metabolic pathways. 

what areas can be treated?

Areas that can be treated include;

  • Inner & outer thighs
  • Love handles
  • Upper & lower back
  • Chin
  • Jowls
  • Back of arms
  • Abdomen

Most people return in 4-5 weeks and require 3-5 treatments to achieve desired results. 

Are the treatments painful? what are the side effects?

After treatment there may be some localized discomfort such as a “spicy" burning sensation that can last up to a few hours after injection. Swelling will occur in the treated areas, soreness and inflammation for several days after treatment. It is important to know that these inflammatory side effects produce a tighter and smoother overlying skin.


Before & After

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