LYFT Medical Aesthetics


Sun exposure, age, and other factors can damage the skin and cause discolouration, pigmentation irregularities, vascular skin lesions, and other skin concerns. If you would like to achieve glowing, radiant skin texture and an even, regular tone, you might have tried chemical peels or a variety of other options. Lumecca IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) treatments stand apart from other similar treatments. They are the most powerful intense pulsed light treatments available, and provide effective, outstanding results.


Lumecca distinguishes itself from other treatments and IPL treatments because it attracts pigment much more effectively but requires less energy. What that means is less discomfort and downtime, and a lower risk of possible damage to the skin.

Lumecca treatments are faster than other IPL devices, requiring only two treatments instead of the typical five or six.

And the results last longer, meaning you can enjoy your smooth, clear, refreshed skin longer term.


Lumecca IPL treatments can improve a wide range of skin concerns, including the following:

  • Freckles
  • Vascular lesions
  • Sun damage
  • Age Spots
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Rosacea Capillaries
  • Broken blood vessels on the face
  • Acne Scars


PL, or Intense Pulsed Light is used in a handheld device that penetrates selectively deep into the layers of pigmented skin. The spots, lesions or other pigmentation irregularities absorb the light, and this destroys them. The skin is left smooth, the texture evened out, acne is reduced, and rosacea and other irregularities are resolved.

What happens during the Lumecca IPL treatment?

We will start by applying a cold gel to your face and providing you with protective eyewear. We will pass the Lumecca handheld device over your skin, which applies wavelengths of IPL into the deeper layers of your skin.

When the pigmented cells absorb the light, they are destroyed and broken into tiny particles, which the body can then flush away naturally. The IPL is absorbed into the pigmented areas, leaving the surrounding skin free from damage.

Most patients do not find the treatment to be painful, and describe the light flashes as feeling like a tiny rubber band snap on the skin. Treatment time is about 20 minutes.

Lumecca IPL Benefits

Lumecca IPL provides a number of benefits for patients with pigmentation concerns, including:

  • Non-invasive treatment
  • An ideal treatment for both light and dark skin tones
  • Includes a sapphire cooling tip which makes the procedure more comfortable
  • Rejuvenates and revitalizes the skin
  • Smooths the skin texture
  • Evens skin tone
  • Resolves pigmentation concerns, including freckles, lesions, age spots and more
  • Reduces rosacea

Recovery Time and Results

After your treatment, you may experience itching, swelling or redness, which some describe to feel like a sunburn. This should pass by the next day.

Once these side effects disappear, you can continue with your regular activities, including makeup application. You will notice the pigmented areas getting darker. This is completely normal and part of the healing process. These areas will raise and flake off and the healthy new skin underneath is revealed. It’s important not to pick at these areas, but allow them to fall off naturally. Once revealed, the new skin underneath will continue to improve, with final results appearing in 1-2 weeks.

For some patients, results may be seen after one treatment. Others require more than one treatment to get the final, ideal results they desire. This will depend on your skin type, the severity of your skin damage, and whether your condition is vascular or based on sun damage.

Once treatments are complete, you can expect your skin to be smoother, more radiant and glowing, without pigmentation concerns.

More information on lumecca

How long do results last?
How many Lumecca treatments will I need?
How often can Lumecca IPL treatments be done?
How long is a Lumecca treatment?
How soon can I wear makeup after my treatment?

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