What Dermal Fillers Can and Cannot Do for You


What Dermal Fillers Can and Cannot Do for You

October 14, 2021

It may surprise you to know that Dermal Fillers most effectively in only particular areas on the face. So, what can you do with dermal fillers anyway? Let’s take a look, what Dermal Fillers Can Do for You.

By Jessica Sawyer

While many non-surgical medical aesthetic products like dermal fillers have certainly come a long way in recent years, they can’t necessarily do everything for everyone. Yes, they can generally reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, but it may surprise you to know that they do this most effectively in only particular areas on the face.

So, what can you do with dermal fillers anyway? Let’s take a look.

What Dermal Fillers Can Do for You

Fill In Wrinkles and Fine Lines on the Lower Half of Your Face

As you age, you may find that you’ve developed creases and other lines around your cheeks, nose, and mouth. Dermal fillers can fill in and smooth those lines, giving you a more youthful appearance.

Volumize Your Lips and Cheeks

Dermal fillers can help you plump up your lips and cheeks. They can make them bigger and better than ever before or simply fill in any volume you have naturally lost over time.

There are even additional benefits for your lips, as dermal fillers can fill in any fine lines to smooth out their texture or help bring some symmetry to a crooked smile.

Minimize the Appearance of Scars

A lot of people are often insecure about facial scars. With dermal fillers, you can reduce the appearance of scars and smooth out the skin’s texture.

Restore Skin’s Natural Moisture

Dermal fillers are often made up of a substance called hyaluronic acid, which naturally occurs in the body and is primarily responsible for skin hydration. As you get older, the production of hyaluronic acid slows down, which is one contributing factor to the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

If you inject hyaluronic acid back into your skin with dermal fillers, you can help increase your skin’s natural hydration more effectively than any anti-aging skin cream out there.

Reshape the Chin and Nose

Dermal fillers can help you sculpt a pointed or square chin or even reduce the appearance of a double chin. When it comes to the nose, dermal fillers can help correct crookedness or bumps.

What Dermal Fillers Cannot Do for You

Effectively Fill in Wrinkles on the Upper Half of Your Face

If you are looking to treat crow’s feet or other lines on the upper half of your face, then you may want to consider something other than dermal fillers. Botox, for example, is known to be much more effective in these areas.

Permanently Improve Your Face

With dermal fillers, you will need to get injections on a regular basis if you want to be able to keep up your appearance. If you want something that lasts years, you may want to consider getting a facelift. Fillers may still be used during surgery to help fill in any facial hollows.

Still wondering if dermal fillers are right for you? New clients can book a free consultation with LYFT Medical Aesthetics to discuss the best way of achieving their desired results. Call us today!